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On the 03-20 DFS Podcast, the Flash shares an excerpt from his book Betting Baseball 101: Winning at the Sports Books and Daily Fantasy Sports and discusses some common mistakes to avoid in order to be a more successful sports bettor.

DFS Podcast: Common Mistakes to Avoid

On the 03-20 podcast, the Flash shares some common mistakes sports bettors make and hopefully how to avoid them. Listen in as the Flash uses his thirty-plus years of experience in the sports gambling world to maybe steer the listener away from some of the hazards to could lead them to lose serious money.

Sign up NOW for WIN DAILY Premium Gold right here! Projections, wagering info, 24/7 expert chats and more!

Thank you for listening to the DFS Podcast. Follow Win Daily Sports on twitter @WinDailyDFS. Please check out everything that Win Daily Sports has to offer by becoming a premium member. New articles, projection models and data are being added frequently. We can’t say enough about our private Win Daily Discord Channel as it provides one on one coaching for all sports and all platforms. There are channels set up for MLB, PGA, NASCAR, WNBA, CFL, NBA, and NFL. 

Win Daily Sports and Cash with Flash Best Bets is committed to bringing its members and subscribers fresh content daily for as long as the professional sports leagues remain on hiatus. Our goal is to continue to focus on how to be better DFS and Sports Gamblers by teaching you how to do the little things better just like the pros. Sign up at this link and get ready to make some Cash with Flash!!

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JT’S How to Play DraftKings League of Legends : PART 1

With everything going on in the world and every sport being shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are left with the slim pickings from Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS). Turkish soccer or League of Legends (LoL) are the two options that we have. If you are anything like me, I need DFS in my life. I have done everything in my power to research anything and everything about ESPORTS, especially League of Legends. What is League of Legends, you ask? Im here to explain to you not only what League of Legends is but also how you can Win Daily playing DFS ESPORTS. The first part of winning at DFS ESPORTS is understanding the game. In this article, I am going to give you a piece by piece breakdown of League of Legends and how it works. In my next article I will teach you how to play DraftKings League of Legends.


 LoL is a multiplayer online battle arena video game where both teams are made up of five players designated with a different task and skillset. Each player at the beginning of the game selects a character to control. Each character possesses unique abilities and attributes. The chosen character is also known as a “champion”. After each player selects their champion that they will control for that game, they go to the map where the teams will start at opposite ends, and each player will start in different “lanes”. Once the game commences, each team fights their way through the map with multiple various obstacles and attempt to get to the farthest part of the map and destroy their enemy’s home base.


The map consists of three separate lanes, the top lane which is on the top portion of the map in the shape of the letter “L”, the mid lane is the lane that goes directly through the middle of the map, the bottom lane which is the lane at the bottom of the map in the shape of the letter “L”, the Jungle is a mixture of trees, bushes, water, brush, and where the monsters are. This is where the teams of five go to battle each other, kill Creeps, and destroy their enemy’s home base in route to winning the game.


This is a selective character feature performed by each player with different sets of attributes and abilities (Example, Juggernaut is hard to kill but does not do a lot of damage on contact). There are 148 potential options to be selected. For the most part, every champion has strengths and weaknesses that can be exploited. During the pre-match pick and ban stage, teams take turns banning three champions that their opponent can not use during play, and they alternate picks in a snake draft (1-2-2-1) pattern. After each team has three champions, they take turns banning two more each, before the final (1-2-1) selection process. Due to the alternating pregame pick and ban, teams can’t just play the same champions over and over again, or it will be easy for opponents to strategize against them and use their picks on champions to match up well with them. It is essential for teams to be unique and strategic when selecting their champions.

Player Positions For DraftKings League of Legends:  

TOP LANER (TOP): The Top patrols the top lane and on any given team takes on one of three roles. The three roles are Tank, Bruisers, or Carry.

Tank: They have a lot of health, survivability, and have ways to stun or immobilize their enemy.                

Bruisers: Not as hard to kill as Tanks and usually have less ability. They do have the ability to cause damage, so they can’t be ignored in a fight.                                                                          

Carry: They are rarer to see in professional play. Top lane carries can output high amounts of damage and destroy enemy teams if they get strong enough. The issue is that most carries are easy to kill. They often have to be right next to the enemy to damage them.

Jungler (JNG): The Jungler is one of the most important positions on the team. His job helps teammates get ahead of the enemy in the early stages of the game. He doesn’t play in a select lane. He runs in between lanes in the Jungle killing the monsters and waiting for an excellent time to jump into a lane and give his teammates a two versus one or three versus two advantage in a fight. When Junglers come into a lane to help their teammate get kills, it’s called a “gank”. At the professional level, you won’t see players die within the first 15 to 20 minutes of the match unless a gank is involved. Junglers tend to use the same options of champions as Top laners use; Tank, Bruisers, Carry.

Mid Laner (MID): Starts the match in the middle lane of the map. The Mid Laner is generally a champion that can inflict serious damage and usually has more utility than the next player.

Attack Damage Carry (ADC): The ADC is essentially and archer as a champion, who can attack from far distances and produce a lot of damage to his opponent quickly, but is also very easy to kill. ADC’s have to be the most skilled player. If they take one wrong step in a fight, they can be killed instantaneously. It is almost impossible for a team to win if the ADC has been eliminated. ADC’s regularly play at the bottom map in a lane with the support player.

Support (SUP): The Support is essentially the ADC’s bodyguard. His primary focus is to provide him with heals, shields, and everything possible to protect the ADC and stop him from being killed.


This is the early portion of the game. The players go into their designated area or lane and battle against their opponent counterparts. Killing enemy minions (Creeps) for gold and trying to get an advantage over the enemy team when possible. The Junglers run around trying to help their team, and they also place vision wards around the map so their team can have a better idea of what the enemy is doing. At this point, both teams still have all of their turrets, which means it’s hard for them to push into enemy territory.


After the first few turrets have been taken, the mid-game tends to revolve around the two major neutral monsters (The Dragons and The Baron). Teams will often fight over the monsters as teams, trying both to deny them from the opposition and to win them for themselves. This is a part of the match where there is a lot of bloodshed and fantasy production, for every player that strikes their enemy even once will get an assist on the death of the enemy. The longer the game goes on, the more critical the perks from the neutral monsters are, and the more fantasy points can be accumulated.                                                                                                          

The Drakes:

They are monsters (dragons) higher in health and cause pretty low damage. They provide bonuses when killed. There are four different types of drakes, and each provides a different kind of game long perk. They are much easier to kill than the Baron. About four or five of them typically die in a game.  

The Baron:

The Baron (big purple worm) has a ton of health and deals out a lot of damage. If one team is fighting him and the other team notices, the team that is engaged in the fight can find themselves in a dangerous situation of being blindsided by the opposing team. It is common for teams to avoid The Baron until some enemy champions are dead. The team that kills The Baron gets a considerable boost that applies even to the surrounding Creeps. This provides a significant opportunity to destroy the enemy turrets and even win the game. The perks last only three minutes or until death. Teams that kill The Baron almost always get a huge advantage and win the game. He is almost always fought over.        


After about 30 minutes, most champions have reached their maximum strength. Even the smallest mistake at this point can lead to a near-instant victory for the enemy. The late game is spent mostly trying to gain vision around the map in an attempt to catch enemies or to try and sneak around and kill The Baron without enemy interference. During this phase, an additional major win condition also arrives. The Elder Dragon arrives, which provides a massive boost that is amplified based on the number of Dragons a player has taken that game. Due to the advantage The Elder Dragon brings to the table, teams must prevent the enemy from taking either The Baron or The Elder Dragon while also making sure that no champions on the team are killed. If there is a fight at this point, the team that wins it most likely will win the game. 

Tonights DraftKings League of Legends Slate:

Tonight there is a three-game DraftKings League of Legends ESPORTS DFS slate. I have been doing extensive research in an attempt to gain an edge on the field, in what I believe can be a huge moneymaker for us all. After considering all options and building multiple lineups, the conclusion I came up with is two of my favorite players to roster on this slate. My favorite ESPORTS DFS CAPTAINS on Thursday, March 19, 2020, are Doinb (MID) and GImGoon (TOP) for a salary saver. Stay tuned for the next part of my article series on breaking down ESPORTS DFS.

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  1. Click on this link https://discord.gg/QsK3HJs and sign in or register for your discord account. 
  2. You will enter into the #account-sync chat. There post your Win Daily account email address, and your member role will sync to discord in 3 minutes
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Cash with Flash Best Bets has been on a few terrific heaters since the column began this past September. Those runs have been terrific and we’re happy that people jumped on the train and hopefully increased their bankroll.

Cash with Flash Best Bets has had some rough days as well. Sadly, some joined up during the end of the heater and wound up with a few losing tickets

Hot streaks come and go and considering the real fact that even the top handicappers in the country get forty percent of their picks wrong, knowing when to hop on and off the train is imperative for successful sports betting season. 

The Flash has a new book out called “Betting Baseball 101: Winning at the Sports Books and Daily Fantasy Baseball” and we’d like to share an excerpt from Chapter Three of the book.

 Track Record is Important

This is probably the most important thing to look for in a sports handicapper. You obviously want someone who wins more than they lose and you want them to be able to prove it.

Most handicappers on the internet have links to spreadsheets of all their picks and willingly provide this information for anyone who asks. 

Betting slips are nice but can be altered and therefore not as trustworthy as a link to a website and a corresponding spreadsheet with their picks.

Obviously longevity is important but the handicapper in question should have records dating back to at least one year if not more. They should be able to provide a success rate with a minimum of 53 percent for an entire year. If they can’t then maybe this is noise better off avoiding. 

Handicappers will need a 52.4 percent success rate just to break even on -110 bets and the best way to examine how well a handicapper is actually doing is the number of units won or lost in correlation with his or her winning percentage so be sure to ask for both. 

What does all that have to do with following a handicapper on a hot streak?

During our latest Cash with Flash Best Bets NBA heater, a friend told me he had a “feeling” our streak was about to end and rather than continue riding the train, he hopped off and saved himself some money as our streak ended with a 1-3 NBA night. 

Our friend knew the good times were coming to an end because he tailed our column and understands that our normal success rate is sixty percent. 

He then went with the percentages, used the law of averages and realized that an eighty-percent success rate was unsustainable and decided to take his winnings and wait for the next hot streak. 

This is the way you are supposed to follow a handicapper. It takes some discipline to do this but in the long run its the best way. 

Cash with Flash Best Bets is well aware how difficult it might be for a new subscriber to do this but wouldn’t it be better to spend a month watching and learning who is who instead of catching the end of a heater and winding up losing because the law of averages caught up to the handicapper? 

Cash with Flash practices a fixed unit betting system and doesn’t offer “unit” suggestions as we wager one unit per contest no matter how much we like the game. This is why we share our record for the previous day and how we are doing each week in every column we publish. 

For a detailed look at all our picks, Cash with Flash Best Bets welcomes you to inspect all our picks, available by clicking this link

In part two we will discuss what to do now that you have vetted one of more handicappers, how to follow their picks and hopefully build our bankrolls based on their advice and picks. 

Win Daily Sports and Cash with Flash Best Bets is committed to bringing its members and subscribers fresh content daily for as long as the professional sports leagues remain on hiatus. Our goal is to continue to focus on how to be better DFS and Sports Gamblers by teaching you how to do the little things better just like the pros. Sign up at this link and get ready to make some Cash with Flash!!

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Join our Founder Jason Mezrahi and Matt Striker as they go over their Daily Fantasy Football Guide to Success. In this episode of the Win Daily University Video the team goes over some key NFL Football strategies to know so you don’t feel lost in the conversation. The team goes over stacking and other daily fantasy football strategies to get you ready for the upcoming season.

Watch the video below to find out what our pros think in the Win Daily University Video. Please like and Subscribe to our Youtube channel in order to get updates to all of our video content. We will be dropping a ton of new content in the upcoming weeks so don’t miss out!


Join Our Discord Private Chat!

We, the Win Daily team, have recently made an in-house upgrade from Slack to Discord to support our growing online community of players. While Slack is a great tool for small groups, Discord is a match made in heaven for us.

Discord is essentially a ‘by gamers for gamers’ platform that boasts an online community of over a hundred and thirty million registered users, covering all types of games.

Since we made the shift to Discord, we have been adding new features like categorizing Win Daily posts into their respective channels, a two-step account linking process that can be accessed from both the website and the Discord app, and a dedicated Monkey Knife fight channel for all members.

Check out a recent member of our discord channel here describe what happens when you join our private discord chat!

How to join Discord:

  1. Click on this link https://discord.gg/QsK3HJs and sign in or register for your discord account. 
  2. You will enter into the #account-sync chat. There post your Win Daily account email address, and your member role will sync to discord in 3 minutes.
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Join our Founder Jason Mezrahi and Matt Striker as they go over some Daily Fantasy Sports DFS basics. In this episode of the Win Daily University Video the team goes over some key DFS terms to know so you don’t feel lost in the conversation. The team goes over stacking and other daily fantasy sports vocabulary to keep you up to date with the lingo.

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Join our Founder Jason Mezrahi and Matt Striker as they go over some Daily Fantasy Sports DFS basics. In this episode of the Win Daily University Video the team goes over how to incorporate Vegas data when creating lineups. Vegas and more specifically Sportsbooks do a ton of research when creating moneylines, spreads, and over / unders.

So when you begin your research make sure you take a look at what the oddsmakers believe is going to happen.

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In follow up to my last video posted by Jason, I’m giving you a double dose of myself. Many of you know me as Javi, but I go by JPrellezo on DraftKings and FanDuel. Here’s a fun little video on contest selection. Daily Fantasy Pro Javier is always available to assist on Discord and writes articles multiple times per week on Win Daily. Enjoy!

Watch the video below to find out how Our Daily Fantasy Pro Javier builds his winning lineups. Please like and Subscribe to our Youtube channel in order to get updates to all of our video content. We will be dropping a ton of new content in the upcoming weeks so don’t miss out!


Join Our Discord Private Chat!

We, the Win Daily team, have recently made an in-house upgrade from Slack to Discord to support our growing online community of players. While Slack is a great tool for small groups, Discord is a match made in heaven for us. Daily Fantasy Pro Javi is always in Discord so make sure to reach out to him with any and all questions.

Discord is essentially a ‘by gamers for gamers’ platform that boasts an online community of over a hundred and thirty million registered users, covering all types of games.

Since we made the shift to Discord, we have been adding new features like categorizing Win Daily posts into their respective channels, a two-step account linking process that can be accessed from both the website and the Discord app, and a dedicated Monkey Knife fight channel for all members.

Check out a recent member of our discord channel here describe what happens when you join our private discord chat!

Free Members Bonus:

Until December 22nd, when you join Discord, you will receive 3 day free access to the Premium Discord channels, along with a discount code for the Win Daily Gold Membership.

How to join Discord:

  1. Click on this link https://discord.gg/QsK3HJs and sign in or register for your discord account. 
  2. You will enter into the #account-sync chat. There post your Win Daily account email address, and your member role will sync to discord in 3 minutes.

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By Aaron Sternlicht, LMHC, CASAC and Lin Anderson, LMHC, M.A., Ed.M.,

Gambling Addiction

Millions ofpeople around the world enjoy gambling in a variety of forms – casino games,non-casino games, fixed-odds betting, or a variety of other forms ofgambling.  You can literally bet on justabout anything.  For purposes of thiswebsite, we will focus on sports betting.

The majority ofpeople who bet on sports do so “normally,” meaning that their gambling is notproblematic.  However, for about 10million Americans their gambling develops into an addiction.  Gambling addiction is classified as a mentalhealth condition and has many similarities to other addictions such as alcoholor drug addiction.

Unfortunately,most people who have a gambling addiction do not see it as a problem.  Many of these individuals lack insight or arein denial.  After all, it is human natureto want to believe we are in control of our actions, but when gambling goes toofar one can lose control of their gambling habits and it can become harmful tothemselves and the ones they love. Furthermore, there is a great deal of stigma and misinformationsurrounding gambling addiction, therefore making it difficult for people toadmit they have a problem or to seek help.

The contents ofthis page are intended to provide information surrounding gambling addictionincluding defining what gambling addiction is, identifying different forms ofgambling addiction, providing signs and symptoms of gambling addiction to bemindful of, and information regarding how to seek help for yourself or a lovedone if you believe there is a problem.

What is a Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction takes on different forms, such as compulsive gambling, binge gambling, and problem gambling.  We explore each further below.  For purposes of this page, we refer to all in a general sense as the umbrella term “gambling addiction.”

A person who has a gambling addiction is a person who is unable to regulate their gambling.  They spend more money and more time on gambling than they originally intended.  It is driven by obsession in the mind (i.e. preoccupation with gambling before, during and/or after gambling) and compulsion to act on their gambling (i.e. wagering more money or spending more time than planned).  Notably, a person with a gambling addiction often puts the short-term pleasure of gambling over long-term pain such as the loss of money, loss of time, or shame and guilt associated with lying to family, among various other consequences that can result from excessive gambling.

At its core, gambling addiction centers in the brain by activating the brain’s reward system through the release of dopamine and other “feel good” chemicals.  Gambling addiction has also been found to impact other parts of the brain such as disruption of the brain circuits involved in impulse control in the prefrontal cortex, making it more difficult for individuals with gambling addiction to resist placing their next bet.  Furthermore, individuals who have developed a gambling addiction also have neurally embedded associations and memories with their addictive behaviors, resulting in minuscule things triggering them that may not even enter our conscious mind.  For some, simply seeing money, watching a sports game, or seeing somebody throw around a football in the park can trigger an individual addicted to gambling.  As such, gambling addiction goes well beyond a simple matter of willpower and is something that individuals often need support for to overcome.

Due to thenature of gambling addiction and its impact on the mind, individuals with agambling addiction cannot stop their behavior even when it has catastrophicconsequences to themselves or their loved ones. It is also important to understand and acknowledge that not everyonewith a gambling addiction will suffer severe consequences, struggle at the samelevel of intensity or have the same signs and symptoms.  As such, it is fundamental to take an honestinventory of oneself in order for them to recognize and acknowledge if theirgambling behaviors are problematic for themselves.

Are there different forms of GamblingAddiction?

Yes, asmentioned above, gambling addiction tends to take on three primary forms –compulsive gambling, binge gambling, and problem gambling.  Individuals with a gambling addiction mayfind that they fit into one of these particular subgroups while others may findthat their gambling habits overlap between these subgroups.  Ultimately, the type of gambling addictionone has should not assist to minimize or catastrophize the severity of theiraddiction or their ability/willingness to seek help.

Compulsive Gambling is when an individual is unable tocontrol their desire to gamble.  Acompulsive gambler will continue to make wagers regardless of how often or howmuch they win or lose.  Their compulsionto gamble will override any consequences they face, as well as their rationalmind that enough is enough.  Compulsivegambling is also known as pathological gambling.

Binge Gambling is when someone exhibits symptomsof a compulsive gambler, but only during certain times or certain periods.  For example, a binge gambler limits theirgambling to the weekends or only makes wagers when their favorite team isplaying.  A binge gambler may even beable to go weeks or months without feeling a compulsion to gamble.  As such, a binge gambler often appears to bein control of their gambling, however, once their compulsion to gamble isreleased and they start betting, they begin to experience gambling addictionsymptoms all over again.

Problem Gambling is when someone does not have the compulsion to gamble, but their betting behaviors are not totally under their control.  A problem gambler will experience some consequences from gambling that is negatively impacting their normal life.  For example, they may find themselves placing more bets than they said they would in efforts to chase their losses.  Problem gambling often develops into more severe forms of gambling, as problem gamblers tend to cross more and more lines, limits, and boundaries that they set for themselves over time.

What are the signs andsymptoms of Gambling Addiction?

TheAmerican Psychiatric Association (APA) has identified gambling disorders as amental health condition.  According tothe APA, one may be diagnosed with a gambling disorder if they meet at leastfour of the following symptoms within the past year.  It is important to note that one should neverself-diagnose, but rather should seek out a mental health professional in theirarea for proper assessment and treatment if they feel that they or a loved onemay have a problem with gambling.

a) Needsto gamble with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desiredexcitement.

b) Isrestless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling.

c) Hasmade repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling.

d) Isoften preoccupied with gambling (e.g., having persistent thoughts of relivingpast gambling experiences, handicapping or planning the next venture, thinkingof ways to get money with which to gamble).

e) Oftengambles when feeling distressed (e.g., helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed).

f) Afterlosing money gambling, often returns another day to get even (“chasing” one’slosses).

g) Lies toconceal the extent of involvement with gambling.

h) Has jeopardizedor lost a significant relationship, job or educational or career opportunitybecause of gambling.

i) Relieson others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations caused bygambling.

What should I do if I or aloved one has a problem with gambling?

No matter what the severity of the problem, it is highly encouraged and suggested to reach out for help immediately.  Gambling addiction is a serious problem and is progressive in nature, meaning that if left untreated it will often become worse over time.  Seeking help is not something one should delay, as untreated gambling addiction can contribute to significant life problems such as divorce, bankruptcy, imprisonment, homelessness, and suicide.

If you ora loved one has a problem, please reach out for support and seektreatment.  One may seek help through asimple online search on a search engine such as Google by searching for atherapist or treatment center in their area that specializes in gamblingaddiction.  One may also contact theirhealth insurance company and ask them for a list of providers in their area whospecialize in gambling addiction.  Beloware also some helpful resources that can provide support and point you in theright direction.

NationalProblem Gambling Helpline – 1-800-522-4700

NationalSuicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255

SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) – 1-800-662-4357

NationalCouncil on Problem Gambling – https://www.ncpgambling.org

GamblersAnonymous – https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/

  • VerifiedPage Content

The information provided on this page was verified by AaronSternlicht, LMHC, CASAC and Lin Anderson, LMHC, M.A., Ed.M., addictionspecialists at Family Addiction Specialist, a private practice located in NewYork City helping individuals and families heal from addiction and mentalhealth issues.

Website: www.familyaddictionspecialist.com

Email: info@familyaddictionspecialist.com

Phone: (929) 302-9095

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/family.addiction.specialist/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LinAndAaron/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Linandaaron/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/19075492/admin/

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I have something really special for everyone here in the Profitcast Episode 4 that Ive been working on for a long time. This series of short tutorials tackles specific questions I get from beginners or anyone looking to enter sport/stock markets professionally. I really want these podcasts to be direct, concise & informative They will provide you the ability to get an easily located answer to your questions. These lessons begin at the most basic entry level. However, I also invite any readers to submit your questions to me on the slack channel or on Twitter @MLBMovingAvg (I’ll shout you out).


”Your Small Business”

Thanks for Listening to the Profitcast Episode 4

General Risk Strategy

I often get questions about betting strategy. It all starts with proactively determining how much I’m going to bet and then working backwards when applying that to my plays on a percent basis.

My daily allotted risk (R) shifts with performance. I have found that reducing bets during down times helps greatly in protecting capital. To be more specific, my standard is a risk of R=1% total stack. After a winning day it goes to 1.5%, and caps at a max 2% after two wins in a row. I do the opposite as well. I remain at 1% if there are two losing days, and reduce to a capped minimum of 0.5% for the third.

Daily Betting Strategies

I’d like to share a few of my fallback plans on playing strategy in case I don’t get to a specific plan on a given night. If a bet is at or close to even, bet it straight. We want to avoid pairing action as much as possible. Sometimes the odds make this unavoidable. Whenever I have two heavy favorite picks, I will pair them. If I have three favorites, I play a small ABC F5ML parlay, and then play all three F5RLs straight, but of course it always depends on the specific odds that day. I do not like to pay any juice beyond -200. I would never play those straight. We must pair, or fade. Any team can win on any day.

Whenever I have four picks that come with juice, I’m usually going to play a Round Robin where 3 of 4 hits will guarantee a nice percentage profit, and all 4 is huge night on a relatively small risk. I also always take a small percentage of daily risk on a four game parlay.

If there are ever more than four plays, I try to compartmentalize the picks, and then follow one of the plans above. A good place to start is to play any underdogs straight and then either pair by length, or by time of day. It’s always a good idea to separate the later games on tickets to allow for chances to hedge and guarantee profit.

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Tailor your game to your own account and expectations. I bet small relative to stack, and bet smart. If you can’t make money with $100, what makes you think you’ll make money with $10,000?

I never risk more than 1% on any outcome, and never bet more than 2% on any given night. I scale those numbers down into losing streaks, and increase them again as the wins roll in.

Profitcast Episode 4

John L. prepares this article in his personal capacity.  The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views or opinions of Win Daily or any of the employees and/or executives of Win Daily.  All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.  Win Daily makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.  All information provided as-is.

As always, special thanks to https://fangraphs.com & https://pff.com for all the great statistical work that they do.

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”The Demo Mode Challenge”


I have something really special for everyone here that Ive been working on for a long time. This series of short tutorials tackles specific questions I get from beginners or anyone looking to enter sport/stock markets professionally. I really want these podcasts to be direct, concise & informative They will provide you the ability to get an easily located answer to your questions. These lessons begin at the most basic entry level. However, I also invite any readers to submit your questions to me on the slack channel or on Twitter @MLBMovingAvg (I’ll shout you out).

Thanks for Listening to the Profitcast Episode 3

General Risk Strategy

I often get questions about betting strategy. It all starts with proactively determining how much I’m going to bet and then working backwards when applying that to my plays on a percent basis.

My daily allotted risk (R) shifts with performance. I have found that reducing bets during down times helps greatly in protecting capital. To be more specific, my standard is a risk of R=1% total stack. After a winning day it goes to 1.5%, and caps at a max 2% after two wins in a row. I do the opposite as well. I remain at 1% if there are two losing days, and reduce to a capped minimum of 0.5% for the third.

Daily Betting Strategies

I’d like to share a few of my fallback plans on playing strategy in case I don’t get to a specific plan on a given night. If a bet is at or close to even, bet it straight. We want to avoid pairing action as much as possible. Sometimes the odds make this unavoidable. Whenever I have two heavy favorite picks, I will pair them. If I have three favorites, I play a small ABC F5ML parlay, and then play all three F5RLs straight, but of course it always depends on the specific odds that day. I do not like to pay any juice beyond -200. I would never play those straight. We must pair, or fade. Any team can win on any day.

Whenever I have four picks that come with juice, I’m usually going to play a Round Robin where 3 of 4 hits will guarantee a nice percentage profit, and all 4 is huge night on a relatively small risk. I also always take a small percentage of daily risk on a four game parlay.

If there are ever more than four plays, I try to compartmentalize the picks, and then follow one of the plans above. A good place to start is to play any underdogs straight and then either pair by length, or by time of day. It’s always a good idea to separate the later games on tickets to allow for chances to hedge and guarantee profit.


Tailor your game to your own account and expectations. I bet small relative to stack, and bet smart. If you can’t make money with $100, what makes you think you’ll make money with $10,000?

I never risk more than 1% on any outcome, and never bet more than 2% on any given night. I scale those numbers down into losing streaks, and increase them again as the wins roll in.

Profitcast Episode 3

John L. prepares this article in his personal capacity.  The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views or opinions of Win Daily or any of the employees and/or executives of Win Daily.  All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.  Win Daily makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.  All information provided as-is.

As always, special thanks to https://fangraphs.com & https://pff.com for all the great statistical work that they do.


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